Hey guys,
I hope our first class didn't scare any of you off. This idea really came from a good place. There's something I was thinking about that I forgot to explain to you guys. So as a new part of English 1010, students are supposed to create a portfolio at the end of the semester as a final project and have it be a large part of their grade. So starting and keeping a blog is my easier solution to that. Plus it saves paper. This really is the easier solution, and it also brings up the discussion of our own (e)dentities. What I ask of all of you is to be open to this idea; try it, and see how you like it.
I have this grand image of how great this idea could be. You all have the opportunity to share and learn from each other. How great is that? I will update the student blog list as I learn about more of your blogs. Check out each other's blogs. Leave comments for each other. And have fun!