Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Due Date Change!!!

After discussing with the class today, we decided to change the due date for the Research Summary/Annotated Bibliography to July 9.

So bring your printed out paper with you to class on Wednesday, July 9.

Also don't forget to format your paper using MLA. Meaning, 12 pt font, Times New Roman, double spaced. Also don't forget to include your name, date, teacher, assignment (all double spaced) on the first page, left aligned.
Here is an example of formatting for MLA
Here is one citation close up: notice the hanging indent and paragraph formatting

This is another example. It's just a screen shot, and it's not double spaced, but it's formatted correctly

One last one. Notice the shorter paragraphs and hanging indents
I hope these examples will help you as you write and format your annotated bibliographies.
Happy 4th everyone!

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