Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Journal topic ideas

I've been thinking that we should do some online brainstorming like we did in class last week. This is my way of helping you figure out what to write about in your weekly journals. So I did a basic search about journaling on Pinterest and here are a few pics of what I found. They might not all work because some of them are about art journals. But take what ideas work for you and don't forget to share some ideas of your own in the comments.


  1. I really hope these posts are working. My computer is in the shop so I am posting these from my ipad. Let me know if you can see the pics and videos

  2. I have a Pinterest board I think you would all like. I like to pin stuff here that is education related. http://www.pinterest.com/kamrig/smarty-pants/

  3. I am able to read your posts but the pictures are 'broken' on the journal idea post. Maybe it's just my laptop? I'll try again from a school desktop and will let you know tonight at class. Thanks!

  4. I'm using these ideas for my service project at the Ogden VA Nursing home today. Thanks!
